Return Policy

At MyCern, we aim to ensure your satisfaction with our products. If you encounter any issues, please review our return, refund, and replacement policy below:

Claims for Refunds or Replacements:

  • Claims for misprinted, damaged, or defective items must be submitted within 30 days of receiving the product.
  • Claims for packages lost in transit must be submitted within 30 days of the estimated delivery date.


  1. Contact our customer support team with a photograph and a brief explanation of the issue.
  2. We will review the claim and notify you of approval or rejection.
  3. Approved claims will be resolved by either shipping a replacement within 3 business days or issuing a refund to your original payment method within a few days.


  • Wrong Address: You are liable for reshipment costs if an insufficient address is provided.
  • Unclaimed Shipments: You are responsible for the cost of reshipment.
  • Buyer's Remorse: We do not refund orders for buyer's remorse. Returns or exchanges are at your expense and discretion.
  • Customs Rejection: No refund for packages returned due to customs rejection.

For detailed information, please visit our Refund Policy, Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, Contact Information, and Shipping Policy.

By shopping with us, you agree to this policy. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.